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How to Choose a Water System

How to Choose or Buy

With reports of over 320 different contaminants found in U.S. municipal water, it's essential to return your water back to its natural state. Choosing the correct water filter is determined by the size of your home, flow rate, and your water needs. Watch the video or read the FAQ below to gain some insights into your water concerns.


What water issues are you experiencing? If you are experiencing hard water, dry skin and hair, smelly water, and more, we have your all-in-one solution.

Is your current water system tested and certified? Third-party testing and certifications guarantee that your system will operate as promised.

Is the system salt based? Salt-based water softeners require costly, constant maintenance and servicing.

Water softeners are not filters. Salt water softeners add sodium to your water WITHOUT filtering it. They require additional filters if you want filtered, drinkable water.

Reverse Osmosis (RO): These are usually bulky filter tanks that take up space under the sink. While RO does filter your water, it also removes healthy minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. RO wastes significantly more water than it produces.

Get our Salt-free Water Conditioner Combined with a Filtration Water System:

Our system filters and conditions all water in your home while retaining healthy minerals. It filters the water for a clean delicious taste and conditions the water to prevent scale buildup.
Our expert customer service team is here to answer your questions. Imagine no regular maintenance, salt use, bottled water, or monthly servicing.

Compare LifeSource Water with Other Softeners

LifeSource provides excellent salt-free whole house water softener and filtration systems that require zero maintenance. We provide superior service. The chart below highlights our system's benefits. Call (800) 334-5009 today for information.

a banner of tanks comparing lifesource with its competitors
Features / Benefits LifeSource Water Softener
One system for all water in the home
Reduces scale buildup
Filters out the taste and odor of chlorine and chloramines
No Regular Maintenance
Safe for plants and pets
Good for cleaning and dishwashing
No salty, slimy, slippery water
Environmentally friendly
Not banned by law in many communities
Retains healthy nutrients in water
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