Our Technology
How LifeSource Water Systems Work
Our eco-friendly systems transform your tap water into great-tasting, filtered water from every tap. Reduce hard water buildup without using salt or additives. Our systems are easy to use and don't require monthly maintenance or exchange programs. Eliminate your need for bottled water and reduce water waste with a whole house water system.
Drink, cook, bathe and clean with water that is good for you and your home. For optimal water treatment, we suggest our Ultimate Protection Package, which combines our water filtration, water softener alternative ScaleSolver system and anti-bacterial filter unit.

We feature a proprietary blend of coconut shell granular activated carbon. It effectively reduces the taste and odors of chlorine.

Get fresh odor-free water, softer skin & hair with our advanced water conditioning.

The automatic timer controls the rinse cycles to clean out sediment in the carbon bed. The rinse water can be re-used to water a garden. The rinse cycle turbulates the Granular Activated Carbon for longer service life and greater efficiency.

LifeSource Water Systems are NSF/ANSI tested and certified for a filtration capacity of 2.2 million gallons to 5.7 million gallons. The next best system is only certified for 460,000 gallons. Choose a system tested by ANSI accredited laboratories, such as the WQA, UL and NSF.
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