Customer Reviews
Our customers love their LifeSource Water and so will you!
4.83 |
1557 reviews
Why I Bought LifeSource
Paul (Topanga CA, 90290)
Paul (Topanga CA, 90290)
We wanted pure water and were tired of buying water at the store. Also we wanted to be more environmentally conscience
Why I Bought LifeSource
Eli (Las Vegas NV, 89139)
Eli (Las Vegas NV, 89139)
why I installed, clean, great tasting water from every faucet in our home. No salt, potassium or contaminants
Why I Bought LifeSource
Noushin (Los Angeles CA, 90049)
Noushin (Los Angeles CA, 90049)
water taste and hair loss
Why I Bought LifeSource
Manuel (Hanford CA, 93230)
Manuel (Hanford CA, 93230)
we use our own well-water which is not filtered
Why I Bought LifeSource
Renuka (Oceanside CA, 92057)
Renuka (Oceanside CA, 92057)
sediment in water and did not want a system with salt a low maintenance system
Why I Bought LifeSource
Mark (Las Vegas NV, 89131)
Mark (Las Vegas NV, 89131)
why I installed, upgrade system
Why I Bought LifeSource
Carolyn (Tucson AZ, 85756)
Carolyn (Tucson AZ, 85756)
why I installed, hard water
Why I Bought LifeSource
Andrew (Corona CA, 92883)
Andrew (Corona CA, 92883)
we want to remove chlorine from the waterline
Why I Bought LifeSource
John (Lakewood CA, 90713)
John (Lakewood CA, 90713)
Culligan had been problem for 10 year - dedicate to change better water system without salt
Why I Bought LifeSource
P J (Fountain Valley CA, 92708)
P J (Fountain Valley CA, 92708)
we felt it was teh best on the market based on our research
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