A Message from Our CEO
A Message from Our CEO
Mark Harris, our CEO, explains why customer satisfaction is not enough.
Author Mark Harris writes blogs about clean water and water filtration systems for LifeSource Water Systems. Mark Harris

"Customer Satisfaction Doesn’t Matter." - Mark Harris, CEO

What? …. Have I lost my mind? Let me explain.

If your friend told you they had a “satisfactory” experience at a restaurant, would you feel compelled to eat there? On the other hand, if they told you, “I had a fantastic meal!” would you want to eat at that restaurant?

We do not want LifeSource clients to be satisfied; we want you to be thrilled. We want you to be excited about our product and our people….so excited that you cannot wait to tell your friends and family.

We display this quote in our office:

“There is only one boss, the customer. She can fire anyone in the company, from the chairman down, simply by spending her money somewhere else.”

                    - Sam Walton

If you are not thrilled with LifeSource, let us know. If you are thrilled, we would be honored if you would share the gift of clean water with your friends and family.

Mark Harris

CEO of LifeSource Water